Between Evolutionary theory, Abiogenesis, and Creation theory, the story of how the world began is constantly thrown into question. Personally, I'm a big fan of Creation tales, no matter the origin.
So, if there is no God, and I die, it doesn't matter. If there is, and I die, I can go to heaven or hell. I love when Brad Stine says, 'So, you're saying I should believe in God so I don't go to hell?' Pretty much."
I love that video.
One of the things about growing up in church, is that God becomes sort of a safety net. Feel free to call Christianity a crutch. It is. People with broken legs can't get around without their crutch or a cane. And we're very broken.
It's like insurance for your house. I come from South Louisiana. I have family that lives in the hurricane target. You don't know if your house will get torn away, but you put some money aside, just in case it does.
If nothing happens, you're out a few dollars. If something does, thank God, you have insurance.
Another thing I've noticed is the passage where our works will be tested by fire. If it burns away, and all that's left is a foundation, yeah, you'll get into heaven, but it's like narrowly escaping the flames. It reads something like that. So, getting saved it the foundation. Your works are on top. Were they for you or for God's glory?
Works are the building blocks for your mansion. So, you want to do a lot of stuff for God. The problem with this is you're not supposed to get caught up in works. You risk a legalistic faith. And in the end, if your heart wasn't in the right place, even when you say all the works you did in His Name, He'll say, "Depart from me, I never knew you."
There's this fine balance that needs to be maintained.
How do you do it?
I have no idea. If I did, I'm not sure I would be writing this blog. I'm struggling with the rest of you.
In regarding works, I have this rather romantic idea that the little things we do out of love are the real salvific works we do. We're not thinking about, 'this is a brick in my mansion,' we don't think of it as a work, we just do it out of love. And God is love. Is that Him shining through us?
Love is a complicated thing. It's more of going through hell with someone and enduring it with them, perhaps in search of heaven.
Love was Adam listening to his wife, and leaving Eden with Eve. It wouldn't be paradise without her anyway.
And love was Jesus, the Second Adam, coming down to save His bride, to take her back to paradise, even if it meant suffering. The most accurate picture of love is a Man hanging on a cross.
Christianity's crazy. That's all I'm going to say. It's not always easy to understand. But I know God is real. If I know nothing else, I know that. And when the world ends, I have my insurance.
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